Donations and Bequests

Caring for our residents

All donations and financial contributions are welcomed and encouraged. 

Being an independent community not for profit aged care home, here at Alexander financial resources need to be very stringently managed. 

Alexander Aged Care prides itself in offering exceptional living standards for our residents. The sustainability of these services and ongoing upgrade of our environment and facilities can be a costly mission. 

We need to rely on the generosity of satisfied families, individuals, benefactors and community philanthropists to support us moving forward so that we can continue to provide our essential services to the community.

Your support means the world to us! At Alexander Aged Care, every contribution matters and helps us continue our vital community service. 

Whether big or small, your donations make a significant impact. Substantial donations can honour a loved one with a dedicated room in the new Spitak wing named after them. Even smaller donations can commemorate your beloved with a personalised plaque on a bench. Join us in making a difference today!

Ways to donate

All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Thank you for your support.